The blue caterpillar
"Who are you" he breathed through hookah smoke, pressed from his blue catarpillar lungs. I wondered. I wondered as the smoke surrounded my person and I became nothing but a cloud. I wondered as I lifted off the ground and I wondered as I awoke the next morning in my bed. Who am I? Who am I?
Well don't you worry my caterpillar man, because I finally found my answer. I am nobody. I am nobody, for when my teacher asked me in first grade what I wanted to be when I grew up, I answered that I did not know. I am nodody, for when I reached highschool and my teachers asked me what university I wanted to go to, I answered that I did not know. I am nobody, for when a boy told me he liked me and asked me why I thought he did, I answered that I did not know. I am nobody, because I do not know. I do know myself and I never did, although I always claimed to. I lived my life following the system and the rules without ever knowing why and when I failed a test in school I cried becuase the other children cried and when I saw a spider running across the floor, I scram because the other children scram. I am shell. I am a vessel. But my shell is empty, my vessel uninhabited and my soul is crumbled up in a corner, like child hiding from the thunder. I am nobody, for I never allowed myself to be somebody. My whole life I have been shy, reserved and proper, never knowing why I did it, or for who. I am nobody but now when my teacher asks me what I want to be when I grow up, I can smile and say "somebody"