Welp.....here we go..
Who am I? Ill tell you.
I am am 1 of 5 people in my home
1/5 of the population
But, I am in a city with about 43,000 people
Making me 1/43,000 of the poplation
Which happens to be in a county of 104,500ish people
Now im only 1/104,500 of the population
Not done yet
Im in a state with 12.8 million people
Wow, im 1/12.8 million of the population
In a country with 323.95 million
Yikes, 1/323.95 million of the population
Finally, I live in a world with 7.51 billion people
In the end, Im just 1/7.51 billion people
What was the point of all of that? The point is it doesn't matter who I am, or what I do, or what I believe. I am only one person.
With this, this isn't about me
The only thing that matters is how I influence others
Its one thing for me to say something to myself
It is another when I mess with multiple people
Because that changes the numbers
My main point is dont act like you are everything
Or that you know everything
Or that you are the best
Because you're number is the same as everyone elses
Your number
And my number
Is 1/7.51 billion
No more
No less