Feel it,
As it tingles your finger tips,
And it curls down into the palm of your hand and stretches the length of your arm,
It rests deep into your chest,
That longing you have,
That adrenaline pulsing through your veins,
That my darling,
Is called The will to live.
You may not think you have it but your body is fighting for it.
Do you feel the galaxies swimming in your eyes,
And the universe coursing through your blood?
Because baby, you're made of cosmos and stardust
Know that even if tomorrow doesn't come for you, and you drift off to a better place,
You could never be consumed, because matter cannot destroyed,
Like a Phoenix you will be reborn from the ashes,
Baby I see you
I can see all the pain and hurt,
But know that none of it compares to the work of art you breathe...