Six Days
Six days a week, what can I say?
Four to work and two for play?
Three Hundred and thirteen days a year might be bad luck
But don't be awestruck
Because leap years will have three hundred and twelve
So take out a pen and let use delve
Into the wonderless world of basic math
So that I can take you down an illuminating path
Here we go, 312 days in a leap year
If you add 3 plus 1 plus 2 it is clear
That the magic number you get is 6
So go be useful and pick up some sticks
The fires about to die
He didn't "let there be light"...why?
Seriously, a world without Mondays cannot be
Imagine a world without a clear sky and blue sea
Mondays allow lazy people to be productive
Well, at least a little more constructive.
What would I do with myself
Hey, that shelf isn't gonna make itself
Here I am on a Tuesday
Thinking that the weekend just ended
I have an exam tomorrow and am in dismay
I wish the week was extended
Its Wednesday and the exam just finished
I am exhausted and need some sleep
My week and soul are both dimished
Time to go count some sheep
Off goes the alarm
Like a thundercloud in my head
As if a hammer is playing chopsticks with a firearm
Its too early to get out of bed
Thursday as it were
Is probably the worst
I need a hard liqueur
I think this day should be curst
Another miserable day at school
A new exam on Tuesday and a paper due next week
On how to use a mule to get a joule
Don't ask me, I think the teacher's a freak
Okay, Friday is finally here
Party now and paper later
Now watch me make that bag of chips disappear
Don't be a food hater
Ugh, I ate too much
It's Saturday and I still got that paper to write
What's that smell? Penuche?!
Nothing better than writing a paper with some fudgy delight
Okay, it is 8:30PM and not a word put down
No more procrastinating
Don't want to be a clown
Why am I still waiting?
Let's do this!
Using a mule to get a joule of energy
Step one: get the mule to move in kinesis
By feeding the mule some celery
The end...that wasn't so bad.
Time for a shower and a nap
Maybe a show about Stalingrad
I gently close my eyes and then SLAP!
"Wake up, you're late"
"But mom, it's only Sunday."
"What are you talking about? It's half past 8."
"Let me just sleep in today."
And so I slept in
Good thing exam isn't till Tuesday.
A whole 24 hours to begin
Studying about a battle called Midway.
Crack a peek at the clock
It read a quarter past 7
Oh shit, what a crock!
My exam is today! At 11!
I wouldn't care about the work
But geez, I wish I had another day.
It truly is not a perk
To live in a world with Monday.