Something New
When I can’t find time to think, I find time to sink,
And I know, that as I grow, this ain’t the way to go,
But all the stimulants plague this mind of innocence,
Nothing will be fine forever, even the best end severed.
It’s like I’m left alone to wander around dead in anguish,
There is always this one hand, always, without failure,
Here to care, and here to be here perpetually sanguine,
Always enough for me to get by, for me to finally endure.
Hear the next verse,
As I start to revert,
Fall back to my roots,
I’m quite the goose,
Listen as I jump around,
Here to bring lies down.
Our lives are not to be contained and this racism is just the same
and it can’t be explained except for
the anguished and the pained looking
for anyone to blame and it’s just never the same,
we can only walk one way,
and everyone pays when the others walk the other,
aren’t we all just brothers, only difference
is we come from different wombs, but the roots,
all our roots are in common, muddied by the same boots,
the history and the lies get misconstrued and confused with the truth,
and the truth is we are of one nation,
and the only explanation, for subconscious segregation
is the infestation of the idea that discrimination is outright right,
and education keeps teaching it and everything repeats,
the purpose of peace defeated,
and the honor of being together gets repealed,
forthright revoked as it evokes us to try harder,
to shoot farther,
become martyrs,
for the benched to be starters,
we’re all alive, and we should strive,
for nothing but the best,
to cure the unrest,
and everything else will fall in place.