The last sincere man
Once upon a time there was a settlement, years were going, people in it were gradually scraping and searching exclusively for gain and wealth, becoming insensitive and arrogant. In the end remained only one sincere person. But he was not knowing about it and every his day was spending, traveling in search of someone else like him. For many years the poor man was wandering, hungering and enduring the adversities of a nomadic life, but sincere people were not coming across. And then one day the man saw a city, that was shining with a glow and gleaming with the light of windows. Good, opened and disinterested people were walking around its streets, loving each other and totally devoting themselves to relationships and friendship. There was indescribably beautiful and carefree, but suddenly the hero woke up from a kick in the back.
"Get up from the roadside! The cart can't pass!" - a thick merchant croaked.
The traveler got up, took his bundle and went away.