Wish upon a wish upon a wish...
Wishes are loaded, aren't they?
Maybe it depends who offers you the wish, but it always seems to be that when you get one granted its filled with mischief and lessons to be learned. For example, you wish back the dead. And they do come back, but not the way they were before. They smell, they have no personality and instead of having the living being that you so dearly love back in your life the way they were before... instead you remember them differently. An old, crotchy dying zombie. And then you wasted a wish on that.
So while I would like to believe I could wish back my dear loved ones back to life, it would appear that this is a wasted wish. So wish number one that came to mind, but I decided not to choose. Bringing back the dead.
You could, maybe, circumvent the whole gross living dead thing by going back in time. Knowing that things are different, you can maybe change the future by altering the past. But again, a lesson to be learned. What if this loved one had to die, to make you appreciate those in your life today? What if they didn't die, and you go on living as the little brat you always were, and years past and you don't appreciate it and then, when someone finally does die again... all the time you had spent moving on and growing had been wasted on your continually not appreciating those in your life. Karma? Things meant to be? Happening for a reason? I don't believe in God, but I do believe in fate. And having faith that maybe the world has a tiny bit of reasoning, even if it seems random and it doesn't make any sense, kind of like me. I don't make any sense either, but I'm trying. So second wish that I might want, but don't wish for: time traveling, and changing the present. As much as I miss you, and trust me I adore you, I think it was maybe your time. Maybe it was meant to be.
So what then, would my wish be?
I think I would be able to speak, read,write and understand every language in the world. Imagine the possibilities of knowledge, friends. Imagine understanding everyone just a little bit better.
Plus, you'd be better than everyone else applying to the same job as you. A small perk, but a perk nonetheless.