Ideal Work Environment
The Library of Alexandria, the Garden of Eden, and Tony Stark's lab all in one. Books, books, books, everywhere. Old books, new books, small books, big books, every single genre, every single flavor, every single fulcrum along the literary spectrum imaginable. Can't leave out crystals and plants. As much diversity in and abundance of crystals and plants in this most utopian work environment as there is diversity in and abundance with literature. You cannot tell if you are in the most beautiful and epic library imaginable, or the most beautiful and epic garden imaginable. But then there's the third element to consider - technology. The Shire wouldn't be optimally fun without a little Gandalf. So now imagine as much diversity in and abundance of technology within this space as with the first two elements, and now imagine that these three elements are harmonized, integrated, blended, fused, woven together so seamlessly and elegantly such that the feng shui effect is indistinguishable from heaven itself.