when i lost you...
i lost life,
not mine, but yours and so mine too.
i didnt know then i was losing my morning,
and my every afternoon.
i didn't know i'd be left with never ending night,
without hill or valley.
i had no idea that heaven was just eternity with you...
and hell was forever without.
i didn't know the call of the sea could ebb,
or at least it would cease to call to me...
had no idea the hills that once sung would first muffle,
then mute,
then shutter in silence against silent gail of my broken heart.
if i had any idea this feeling could be real -
simply from a few missed dinners,
or a lot of them.
bad moods, and angry hang ups.
i'd say "i love you," every moment i had you.
whisper it in your ear so it could just be ours, and never say it flatly as a conversation ender.
not say those sacred words as an empty catch-all phrase,
why did i do that?
never say them without full-gratitude that i got to say them to you
and youd be looking back in my eyes
and returning my love -
and i'd get to be the one you said "i love you to"
i was your, "i love you."
when i lost you i lost all my i love yous.
and now i have none left.