I have a jar sitting on the cabinet next to the table
To my right it sits
The table a mess
My dog peaking into the kitchen
Watching a rat about his size sneak through
In the distance I hear the TV
Mized with the sound of my parents talking
Talking about me and politics
Well, they mention me
But it sticks to my head like a gold start sticker
Marking that I didn't try hard enough
There's something unsatisfying about sitting here
Staring at a jar
I could be doing homework or walking my dog or even sleeping
Instead I sit here filling the jar
Thinking that I'll be able to put a price on ideas
Despite trying to sell before being a failure
Who even cares?
Surely, I don't.
I wish I did
I wish I didn't care so much
I wish each thought in that jar was instead a paper star
That way I could sell some meaning what people see
I'm as blind as an owl during the day
Alone as one during the night
Knowledgable in all things but how to funtion
It's in this jar that I see all that knowledge
But also the rat
I'm merely trying to sneak a bite of the bigger picture
But I'm stuck here
In a jar