Atrophy. Verb.
to gradually decline in effectiveness or vigor due to underuse or neglect.
it's a terrible word, I admit;
often times i say it again and again out loud,
feel each syllable roll out of my tongue,
become untangled,
fall to the floor
in one dark-red mass.
at- roph- y.
examples: you could say
Society's morals are atrophying
cancer can cause one's health to atrophy
somehow our friendship is atrophying even though I see you everyday.
my definition:
I am watching myself gradually decline
due to underuse or neglect:
Watching someone I once knew turn to a stranger,
Stranger. noun: a friend you haven't met
or else someone you ought to be scared of
or else someone you shouldn't talk to.
you shouldn't talk to me.
my favorite word is a terrible word
and I like to be sad.
I like to watch things go away slowly,
I like it when the light fades from the sky,
as if stolen,
atrophying into a dark, dark night.