Labeled once and for all
I blew across the tag to make sure it would dry without a smudge. Where I got the ink, I don't recall, but it's no more or less of an important detail than the practical cardstock itself, or the generic, attached, plastic bag. At this point, speaking for myself, it hardly mattered, but the next person to come along might wonder, and at minimum I know you had inquired about my title, so I feel I owe you at least this much regard; it's my understanding everyone is to be provided with one of each of these in a rationed sort of "civilian issue." Having fought the fight, I have resigned to everything being more or less ordained, if not predetermined. I had a mental list, of course, of the things for which you'd asked, and have promptly forgot. As a forethought I might have transcribed all of this onto the back of the card... for posterity. Haha, why not?! But it was after all, quite small... The bag, on the other hand, turned out to be just big enough. Single serve, I thought to myself, as I dressed up. The zipper's reversible, and the sack properly airtight.
I didn't suffocate, don't feel sorry. My time had come.
I was done: Cadaver No. 1001
<font face="Helvetica" size="3" color="silver">02.09.2018</font>