April is Upon Us
April is upon us
Spring has arrived to my City of Trees.
With every morning walk new colors emerge,
Scents of star Jasmin or Lindon tree
Sweet, stinging scents that float on the breeze.
I most often look up as I move deep in thought
perhaps of brunch, or love, work.....
My Father.
"He is very ill" My inner voice reminds,
but my feet don't seem to know
I skip or dance, picking flowers along they way
adding colors to my vibrant hair.
"He is fading" My inner voice whispers
in somber floating tone...
but my throat does not pay mind
I sing a Celtic tune
I speak to birds, to cats, to sky...
"But... He will never see you in white"
The voice sobs...cracks...
I stop.
I listen.
I pick up a twig that lays before me.
I move on.
"He..." The voice trembles...
the rattle of a hundred leaves
The wind kissing my face
a small comfort to the words that follow....
"He will never know your children...."
My eyes hear this
I feel the tear
growing cold in the breeze
but my mouth will not listen.
it smiles.
I smile.
and I move.
The voice speaks....
My voice speaks
"I love him, and he knows it."
The voice is at peace.