Love is...
Love is something that's different for everyone...
Love is the feeling you get when you get the answers to homework from your best friend that lowkey didn't do the homework either and you must need wondering to turn in so you ask them and they say "yeah I got it, do you want to copy?" without you asking and you just look at them live they are done type of savior...
Love is biting into ice cream without wincin
Because you're not afraid to go headfirst into something and sometimes experience pain...
Love is making origami cups
Because it's always simple to say you know how it works
But hard to actually make it and then make it work
Love is tying your shoes just thought enough where they can never let you go but still be able to have enough breathing space to move around
Love is like stepping on a Lego...
Dangerous and should be treated carefully
Love is looking into her eyes and seeing nothing...
Because you don't have to see that you're already with your soul mate
Love is... Torture
Scratch marks on backs and bruises on necks are the battle scars if s true warrior of love
Love is like a paradox...
You love them but also... Hate them
Love is like math...
I failed math...
But it's not that I didn't have the answers...
I must didn't know the questions
Love is mysterious
Bow and arrow... In the trash
Love is...
Aiming a love bazooka right at your face point blank...
Love is knowing you'd take that hit for your loved one Np matter how much of your face is left from the explosion
Love is... The reason you are alive...
Because think about it, when was the last time you ever said "boy, I really hate breathing... Let me stop for a few days"
Love is implied... Likr when you say "boy, I really do love breathing"
You know you really don't have to say that all the time, but once in a while is nice also
Love is the reason I am up
Love is the reason I get up in the morning and go to bed at night
Because sleep is love too!
Love is true
I love... You