Stupid Is...
When I was just a kid my mom used to take me to my Grandma's place on Sundays, partly for the company for her, but mostly because we always got a share of the roast beef dinner that was always laid out when we showed up.
My old Grandma was a favourite of mine being the kind old woman she was. She never once beat me and she always had a cheeky smile for me whenever I was being stupid.
My Aunt Emily lived there also but when I was acting stupid she always had the same thing to say, that is "Stupid Is As Stupid Does", and for the life of me I never understood what the hell she meant, me being so young.
But I thought her remark must be so clever because I couldn't figure it out, so when I started school proper it became my most used remark when I wanted to impress the teacher.
Of course I know now how stupid I was.