The Truth About Being a Twin
"Aw, are you guys twins/sisters? You look alike"
The most common question you would ever hear in your life if you were a twin.
"Who is the evil twin and who is the good twin?"
My family would say I am, but I beg to differ. We both are evil
"Who is the girly twin?"
*sighs* really? I wore that pink shirt ONE time.
The comparison game (a.k.a. my entire life)
*Stares intently at you and your twin's face, going back and forth, back and forth*
Aha! There is a difference!
*Someone calls my twin's name*
*I still turn around*
*Someone I've never seen before starts talking tome*
*I realize it's probably my twin's friend and play it off*
"Would you marry twins? What if you had twin babies?"
Um, no lol
"What's it like being twins?"
You have your best friend with you, all the time. It is a blessing, always having a companion with you wherever you go, supporting you, crying with you, rejoicing with you. My twin is always there for me. She actually knows how to make me look presentable going out, whether it's doing my (usually knotty) hair, picking out my clothes(other than gym clothes), or cooking some bomb mac and cheese for me. Most of all, She is someone who understands me and accepts me for who I am, in every moment of everyday, whether it's a good day or a bad day. Yeah of course there are arguments at times, but its the same with any relationship..We always joke we are an old married couple. We really are, no question about it. We debate over who wears the pants of the relationship (I do :p).
It's a relationship that is so profound and special no words describe it, really. It is a bond like no other. Do I ever think about not having my twin? Yeah, but that would suck. I love my twin, not having her would crush me.
"Do you like being twins?" I wouldn't change it for the world.