Dan’s Freaky Arts
Dan owned his own karate studio, and lived directly above, in a small apartment. Sometimes he would throw parties for his students on weekends, that is until he found out about his unwanted occupant, a ghost named Charlie. Sometimes the lights would flash on, and off, but the figured it was just one of his younger students playing a prank.
One night, while the lights were flashing on, and off, the ceiling lights came crashing down. The books were flying everywhere, hitting one lady in the head. Dan nearly got sued. A large push broom glided across the floor by itself. A window slammed so hard, that it shattered. Tables slid back, and forth by unseen hands.
Things got even worse for Dan, when he finally confronted the entity. He had knives flying at him through his doorway. He would wake up to find a knife suspended above him.
The ghost was especially agitated, if a female would enter the kitchen, which resulted in a barrage of knives. That really put a damper on his dating life.
He tried to hide the knives, and even bury them, but the same thing would happen.
One night, he raised his forearm, to stop a knife from piercing him in the abdomen. He had a deep gash on his wrist. Out of sheer frustration, he threatened to throw a knife at the tiny point of light, that was the entity. That's when the ghost, and him came to an understanding. The ghost was a man named Charlie. He had been murdered by his wife in a fit of rage; she has bi-polar disorder. Anyways, she found out that her husband was cheating. They were both in the kitchen, when she hurled the knife at him, and it pierced his heart, killing him instantly.