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OK Everyone!, to all my buddies out there: I just need to unload (like I did in the toilet a few minutes ago, hemorrhoids improving). My boss is an absolute idiot. Some of you know him from my texts, Arthor Augustine. I am very worried about the lab results I'll be getting soon. Someone comfort me! I wonder about being on a list or having to contact some 'peeps'. Well, I got pretty fuckin' drunk last night. Now I'll have to explain my facial bruise. Long story, I can't really remember. Oh! Here is a pic of breakfast! Don't be jealous. Going out of town this weekend. It's a convention to learn how to flip houses. I'm just leaving some food out for the cats. OK, I've got to go back to being the Judge in this town. People are so stupid.
Forgive me; I don't do social media so I cannot fulfill the second part of the challenge! I'm laughing my ass off!