Everything I absolutely hate
1. Having a hangover (which is something I'm going through right now)
2. Having a hangover from a relationship (ditto)
3. Margarine and soya chunks (all fake food should be banned)
4. Feeling that I disappointed someone
5. Feeling like I am not doing things right
6. Misunderstandings between people (just communicate, please.)
7. Unnecessary lies
8. Feeling lost (in life; feeling lost in some place is one of my most favourite things)
9. Finding dogs when hiking on a mountain (at least wolves and bears keep away from people)
10. Loneliness
11. Unfulfilled promises
12. Violence against people who can’t defend themselves
13. People who don’t respect privacy (like my landlords who used to sneak into my apartment, organise my shoes and pretend they were never there)
14. Going to the dentist (or every other doctor for that matter)
15. Spoiled individuals
16. Getting sick