I not Them
It was the silence that woke me. The deafening sound of it that carried all the screams for help that was never heard, the ideas never mentioned.
It was the smell of fear that brought sensation back to my body. My fear. Created by the whispering trees of centuries old. Their knowledge leaving pickling sensation on my skin.
It was being alone that truly freed me, for I am a lover of solitude. So I walk, enjoying the sounds and smells of this strangely magnificent place. I walk untill I no longer hear the whispers but only the silence. No longer feel the need to be afraid of the knowledge the trees have to offer.
The taste of the love in the air is what broke me for it was one sided and untrue. The taste bitter sweet in the back of my heart. Though it was addicting, this horrid form of love, an addiction I could not easily break.
It was the sight of betrayal that made it all clear. This world was not a friendly one. The ones you trust now might already have lost your trust, without you knowing. It was the betrayal that made me look further than just the black and white I am forced to see.
It was the realisation that I am in fact not alone. My decisions are not my own. They where forced into my sight of thoughts by those that make me feel alone in a crowded forest. It was Them that made me hear only the trees and not the rustling of birds. The mating calls of deer.
It was Them that made me scream silently. Them that made me fear the unknown just so that They can control me. They where the ones that made me feel isolated between all these magnificent things and lose faith in love.
It was Them but no, it was I. I That fell for Their tricks and Their misleading intentions, I that only saw two colours instead of all the other possibilities.
It was all me.