I have a minor-ish dairy allergy. My mother has always been very accommodating about it. When we were at restaurants and my order would come with cheese on it she would quickly explain the situation to them and have them make a new plate for me. While we waited, she didn't eat either. That's not the memory though.
I was allowed to eat dairy very rarely and only after drinking a lot of benadryl.
My family went on a vacation one summer, and to start everything off we went to dairy queen. I fully expected to just eat something my mom brought for me, most likely soy ice cream, which was no wear near tasty when I was five.
As we entered the store I remember preparing myself for anything but ice cream or a milk chake. But then I saw my mom reach in her purse. I was excited, more than excited actually, exctatic. She pulled her hand out wrapped around a bottle of children's benadryl. I could have died right there. All of my dreams came true.
I drunk my medicine quickly. I had become accustomed to the disgusting taste. Then she looked at me at pointed to the menu and said, "You can get whatever you want."
She didn't make me share. With four kids someone always has to share and being the second youngest it was usually me with my younger sister, but not this time.
I chose a banana split, I think. Actually I'm pretty sure because in that moment I realized that I hated bananas. I ate the ice cream though and I felt like the luckiest kid in the world.