Transfixed on the person sitting in front of me. The long white hair to match the length of the silk robe that ends at the ankles. A smile has formed on his face. A twinkle in his eyes of a never ending blue ocean of wisdom. The chance was here to ask all I waited for so long to ask. I had seeked for many years waiting for this moment. And today I would find all the answers to my questions, at least this was the hope. We both sat there on the wooden chairs and looked intently into each others eyes. I tried to speak but found my voice to not ring out. There was but a sigh of yearning to begin the questioning. It was just then with a smile and stretched out hand.
Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. I will be with you always, for you do not deny me, or the one who has sent me. It begins with the faith you have in your heart.
His voice was gentle and kind. The words were bold and resolute.
This is just how I imagined to have my conversation with God.
#challenge #coversation #fictional #historical #enlightenment