“So Irritating”
Truth be told, so many things get on my nerves: people who can’t drive, hairless cats, sloppy people (I’m a perfectionist), direspectful kids/younger generation, and the comparison of my generation with the older ones (for the most part). I’m also a gamer girl, who has a job and attends college, yet my grandparents say that I’m too lazy (since I play video games and “don’t” work enough) and need to do something since playing a game for four hours out of an entire day is too long. It’s also irritating when I hear them blame the school shootings on just movies and videogames—like the parents shouldn’t be more responsible. I’m freaking 27 people! I’m tired of hearing this crap.
Also, since I belong to the “Millennial” generation, so I get a lot of crap about how I’m not working hard enough, compared to the older generation, and I need more to do in my life. I’m already going to college, work (looking for a second job now) and pay bills. What more do they want? Do they want me to join the military or something? Yeah, it’s like hearing a broken record: over and over...
The other thing I don’t really like, are disrespectful people: I don’t care if you badmouth me, but if you say something terrible about a friend or family member; prepare to get your a** chewed by me. I’m a Libra and I will stand up for anyone I happen to be around. I don’t take crap and I hate it when I see a younger person trying to bully someone else or talk smack.
#xjenvanx, #jenvan91, #challenge, #irritating, #onmynerves, #don’ttalksmack, #suffering