Her (or his) voice, which had always been noise, was suddenly music.
Loved You
Her voice, which had always been noise, was suddenly music.
The screeching, careless loudness of highschool had long faded-- she wore business suits and collared dresses now.
She no longer changed men every week-- she had been single for three years. Lonely, but proud.
She regretted the tattoo I encouraged her to get-- I regretted it too.
She'd gone to a family reunion yesterday-- back then, she didn't know who her father was.
She'd changed a lot.
But as I sat at the high counter with her, ordering calories and calories of our comfort foods...
I noticed her foot swinging still, like it used to.
And I noticed a heart inked on her ankle.
And I noticed my name in the center of it.
No, she hadn't really changed at all.