When Mother Nature Loses Her Patience
There is something lurking in the woods
And it isn’t pretty
A sight of tragedy and loss
Revenge, oh such a pity
Of broken bonds and family ties
Their hair is a mess, their face tells the rest
But their roots remain strong
For blood is thicker no less
In vain times and in good ones
The birds cry for the trees, the crows eat at their feet
Their roots like pained soldiers, stoic with an endless desire to sleep
Good times come when summer is here
In fall some fall, some way too steep
Come winter’s winds howling in the rain, the snow
Who knows where it might blow?
In spring, look, I’ve made a friend, a beautiful willow tree
Summer’s here, the men cause fear
The weeping willow’s sweat falls like tears
In anticipation, we think, who is next?
In consternation, the willow weeps, and we lose a friend again
We try to scream, but the scorching heat has dried up our windpipes
So much that if someone were to brush their arm along our bark
All that would be felt is fire, anger that was unprecedented, nonetheless deep
There is something lurking in the woods
An ominous premonition of some sort
A warning from Mother Nature, in a fairytale world of feeling trees
Where the trees have had enough, felt enough, seen enough
Where the trees have lost too much
Too much to remain in disguise, to stay silent
Their emotional pleas, unheard but defiant through the deafening silence
For this was such a perfect place for mankind
But a terrible, ungrateful species we were for such a perfect place
And by and by for the next specimen to come
There will be something lurking in the woods
A force, stronger than anyone can ever imagine
Of enduring knights who have waited for so long
Who have waited to avenge whom they have lost
Always acquiescent to the commands of Mother Nature who knows best
And who will command an ambush when the time is right
For even mothers will lose their patience from time to time
So here we are, roots firm in the ground, hair flying around
Compliant saints on the outside, beautiful beasts on another
Waiting for the opportunity to strike
And all of mankind will have felt it
All of you will have seen it
But it will be the last time you see anything again.
Author’s Note: This is you could say a warning from Mother Nature to mankind. I got this idea when I got an email this morning from the Earth Day Network which mentioned the struggles Puerto Rico has been going through to recover from the devastation of Hurricane Maria. So, in honor of Earth Day (which is on April 22), I donated $2 ($1/tree) which is all I had in my credit card (lol, I’m broke) to help plant trees in El Yunque National Forest, the only tropical rain forest in the US. So, in honor of Earth Day (and to save this planet from the imminent threat of Climate Change), I encourage you to give just $1 to the Canopy Project today, because, if not you, who? If not now, when?
Donation link: https://earthdaynetwork.salsalabs.org/thecanopyproject/index.html