So, I have been thinking of People that are having a hard time being Accepted by Community's and or other people in general.
And i noticed that allot of them tend to make a Mistake preventing them from some of that happyness and Acceptence they desire.
So first of all, everyone should know i am a Very Curious person.
I ask allot of Questions!
Now that is out of the way lets get to my point.
So i've met a few people who had a hard time being Accepted by people and told me their story and i was quite mindblown as to what they told me.
So i asked Questions...
..What i noticed is that as soon as i asked some Questions about it, some of them where annoyed by the fact i asked them, some took it the wrong way and some simply stopped talking to me and started ignoring me.
Now i did not ask anything weird or anything and was quite confused on why they where mad at me, or simply stopped talking to me.
Since i was quite confused and well.. a bit hurt because i'm a kind and understanding person and had no bad intentions to begin with.
After thinking for quite some time i finally stumbled upon something.
'' I noticed that they tend to either run from Questions or maybe get Angry when someone asks them.''
Now i understand that it might be because of the emotional rollercoaster they have gone trough..the hurt, the pain and the scars it left behind emotionally.
But if i may give one point of Advice to people who feel like they dont get accepted, and they run into a person like me.
Just answer the few Questions that person might have..
I understand that you might not feel up to it, and that is Okay, Just be sure to tell the person that.
I however strongly do recommend you talk to the person and answer them when you do feel up for it, Because A person that asks Questions wants to Understand.
It might be annoying,it could bring up some difficult memories.
I am sure however that the person asking those Questions knows and Understand that.
But please do talk to the person and Don't push them Away cause of a few questions.
As i said before ''a person that asks Questions wants to Understand''
Granted there will always be a few people that will not Accept you for who you are.
I am not saying that by answering those Questions they will, However you will find that Most of the ones that asked you those will Accept you now that they Understand you better and know you more for who you are.
That being said. You should not need to hide who you truly are, And if you walk into someone who does not Accept you, Know that you Don't need those type of people or Negativity in your life.
No matter how hard it is, Don't give up!
There are plenty of Curious people who want to Understand you for who you are and who will Accept you.
Those are the people you want in your life.. the people or Community's your heart has been longing for.
True Friends or Lovers who will make the Struggles in your Life so much easier and make your life a whole lot Brighter and worthwhile.