If I’d Known
If I’d known how much losing you would break my heart...........
I’d still have taken you in.
If I’d known truly cold the Surry woods could be in the snow...........
I’d still have gone.
If I’d known it would leave me with a broken arm.......
I still would have done it.
If I’d have known the plane would be struck by lightning, the train derailed by a fallen tree and I’d be marooned in a unfamiliar town at midnight...............
I’d still have done it, but I might have taken a warmer coat.
If I’d known how much money you would cost me...........
I’d still have done it, it’s only money.
If I’d known then what I know now.............
I’d still have done it all, the highs, all the lows, all the heartbreaks, the fuck ups, the lot.
And I’m not finished yet.