Really? Deja Vu
As we get older, we like to think that we've learned from past mistakes. In reality, we just run from them for as long as we can. We tell ourselves that next time it will be better, that we now know better. Though the truth is, is that we are afraid; that we just want to forget and start over. So we do things to keep ourselves busy, some do narcotics, drink alcohol, perform self harm, stop eating. Others will write journals, create art, take up a sport. Something, ANYTHING, that will help push whatever happened to them to the back of their mind. For me, I trusted someone openly, after shunning people for 6 years, believing the words they told me. That they were honest, that they were loyal especially when they said that they cared for me. I guess that was my deja vu. Truth is, my ex did the same thing, but at least he was honest from the beginning and tried to fix things so we said friends in the end. In all honesty though, it felt nice to trust again but now I remembered why I stopped in the first place. So let us all beware deja vu before it hurts us.