Missed Connection Advertisement
"A missed connection is a type of personal advertisement which arises after two people meet but are too shy or otherwise unable to exchange contact details" (Wikipedia). Let's do a fun writing exercise. Let's write a "missed connection" ad! This is a great opportunity for an interesting (maybe weird) meet cute and some odd characters (both the subject and the narrator). Mostly, have fun!
To peace, wherever you are...
We met ever so briefly.
I was the one with sweaty palms and Thumping
You told me that I didn't need to be afraid.
I wasn't dying.
I didn't have cancer, or AIDS, or the
Flesh eating bug.
I was good enough. I would pass.
I could get the girl.
I could talk to strangers. And friends.
And family.
I could take that journey.
You said it would all be OK.
Please come back.
Please, find me again.
I never realised how much I needed you:
How much I needed calm.