The Meaning of “Love is Love”
It doesn’t have just one face.
It has many.
Many meanings,
Many voices,
Many sides.
Love isn’t simple.
It’s nuanced,
It boils down to sacrifice
The fear of finding what those words
Really mean.
The precipice only steepens
When faced with the unconventional love
Between a man and a man,
A woman and a woman,
Et cetera.
Take all the complexities
Take all the risks
Take all the things that make love
As hard as it is,
And apply it to an LGBT centered love
When society is bearing down on you
Breathing down your neck,
Hanging on your every breath and step,
Just waiting for you to fuck up
In some, way, shape, or form.
Doesn’t sound great, does it.
That’s precisely why “love is love”
Is so powerful.
Because when you find that person,
That person who puts their hands on your cheeks
And makes the crowd of nay-sayers disappear,
Your struggles are suddenly worth it.
There’s reason to fight.
There’s reason to hold up your hands,
Letting your middle fingers
Give the biggest “FUCK YOU” to the world
That they can possibly give.
Because that person with their hands on your cheeks
Has defined love with you.
You no longer journey to be accepted;
You journey to discover.
Discover your own meaning
To “Love is Love”
With the person who means the most to you.