A lost universe.
I did not choose to live in a hostile universe, but sometimes I find myself surrounded by my thoughts with no way out. I am in a continuous spiral that only gets smaller and smaller, and soon it gets hard to breathe. I wonder why, all of the sudden, did I end up here, when it seems like just a few minutes ago I was in a friendly universe? I wonder that until I cannot think and my head gets clouded and hot tears roll down my cheeks. I cry, and I cry for hours. I do not know what is real and what isn't- I do not know to which universe I really belong. Maybe I don't belong to either, maybe I am in my own universe that cannot be explained. It just catapults me from one emotion to the next, and my heart feels torn between a life of happiness, and who I think I really am. And yet, despite my feeling of knowing who I am, when prompted to describe myself, I can't. It is like my own universe has stolen my identity, and left me feeling as though I am still the same person that I always have been. Truth is, I have changed, and with it, so has my universe. I don't think Einstein was thinking about the in-betweeners when he said those words. I think he was just thinking of the simple minds, the ones who only see two universes.