Challenge of the Week LXXXIII
Earth, 2119. It's the 100th anniversary of...
The Wise and Unwise Alike
the Wise abandon all ideology to seek out ungirded information abound. The Unwise hold on to this in fear of making uter mistakes, and loosing their projected image (defacing of ones Pride). While the Wise humbly put to action the new information, only to find the results to either be foolish or rewarding, but the Unwise will never know what joys may lie ahead. For they can not see or know any exsistance or escence beyond their own ideology. So as I project my imagination into the future,with infinit wisdom. There, in 2119, exsists no Unwise, for they have all become exstinct, or evolved, through the lords grace and infinit mercy, a bequeithed wisdom. The Unwise never to be seen or heard from again.