Write the last paragraph of your autobiography.
Write as non-fiction, no mystic space monsters or dinosaurs, prose. One paragraph only. Mass tagging results in immediate disqualification
Future Tripping
I am old now, I do not much intend to add to these pages. While I hope to live many years more as an old retired man —married, happy, and surrounded by love— I don't know what the future holds. I never did. Looking back on my life, as I have done to write this book, I see so clearly the mistakes I have made on countless occasions. And if I am being honest, I would change many things in my life if I could. But the older I get, and the more I think about it, the more I realize that I have made my mistakes and overthrown them. I am who I am because of my mistakes and achievements alike. After all, I would not be sitting here at all, if I had not made the mistake of becoming a writer.