Tell me who split you to pieces today
Was it the call of another failed day
Or the reminder of the turmoil tomorrow
That leaves your heart so short and narrow
The pieces are left to scatter and disperse
Bound to never join because of the curse
The curse of a deformed reaction to life
Little to make sense of or to derive
The vase falls several times to hard floor
And hold itself together weaker than before
But with the pieces all reformed yet fragile
Did you think you would last another mile
On the estranged tragedy of a mangled road
For once the pieces come together be warned
Same cloths can't be stitched from the same yarns
No longer does it hold shape or nature
Becoming altogether a different creature
And so the vase sits still again against the winds
Waiting for the next momentray fall life brings
But with each fall it gets a little more strong
Against the final fall that's quite far long.