when the flowers are wilting
when the flowers are wilting
and the house is dilapidated
and creaky
and falling apart
and somebody is at the door at night
when you’re homealone!!!!
what are you supposed to do other than
run for your life
and scream except that isn’t sociallyacceptable
so you hold it in
like you’re holding your breath
except the fear is building up
and you’re going to explode
but not in the traditional sense of fire
and smoke but
in the humanstyle of erratic breathing
and blood rhythms
and trembling
and crying
but then that’s not socially acceptable
so really no matter
what you are going to embarrass yourself
and be sociallyunacceptable at one point
or another
and that one point may as well be now
because whatever you have to lose will be lost anyways
and time will do nothing
but attach you to the temporal
so it’s time to stop being SOCIALLYACCEPTABLE
and it’s time to start running around screaming
--homage to ee cummings