Deeper Still
Life is no respecter of mindset, nor does it deal kindly with folk who follow the rules. It knows no limits.
They say that life is what happens while you're busy making plans. I would modify that into two simple words that sum it up perfectly.
Shit happens.
It really does. You can forget the cosy pull up a chair fairy stories that fired your imagination as a child, you can forget kindness and kindred spirits. Life is brutal. Ho Yus indeed.
I have seen many good hearted, decent people beaten into submission by life's handiwork and I have wept over the cruelty of it all. It really is that unfair.
So what then?
If life is such a hard master then why do we hanker for long lives, and beautiful sunsets? I do believe in the Yin and Yang of nature, and I do believe in happy endings. As a human being I lay claim to my absolute right to a happy life and I have proved I have the guts to fight for my freedoms.
But I also know that there's many a slip twixt cup and lip, so I tread carefully, I call on my experience to negate life's tricks by avoiding the storms that I see brewing on distant horizons. I plan my route as best I can and I hope for the best, not because I'm an optimist but because that's all there is.
The best that you can do is laugh because it is a joke, albeit a cruel one. We are born, we reproduce and we die, and in between those events we have every right to play, to run and jump, to drink our wine and enjoy each other's company, to love and be loved.
We are dead for such a long time my friends, so laugh and roll with the punches.