Homage to Tolkien
My Dear Nephew Eldarion,
”In a hole, in the ground, there lived a hobbit.”
Those words still resonate with me strongly all these years after hearing about Bilbo Baggins’ adventures. As far as I know, there is only one copy of his book, but I had the great privilege of meeting him in person several times, including in Rivendell and again at the Grey Havens when he left. He was such a kindly fellow and I think his nephew, Frodo, will be much like him.
I had studied Hobbits for many years—being a fanatic of the simple things in this world, I found them to be particularly fascinating—before I ever met one in person. And I shall never forget the way Bilbo smilled at me over his pipe smoke with his kindly greeting. I can only guess as to what happened to Bilbo and Frodo. Although if my memory serves correctly, Gandalf told me he was going to keep good care of them beyond the sea. I know dear Sam misses them deeply. He has never quite been the same since their leaving, although he is very happy with Rosie and his children.
As for me, I am visiting Bombadil. He is a good being, and I have learned much from him, but he is not the kind of person to live with for a long time. So I will be off to Lothlorien. The trees have yet to fade completely there, and I shall wander amongst them as long as I can. From there I shall venture to Mirkwood, Rohan, and Erebor in any order I fancy; I shall wander until I die. I am at peace now that the world is clean. I know dark things still exist here in Middle Earth, but somehow I feel like this world will be healthy for the rest of this age.
Perhaps it is good way for the world to fade like this. It is not disappearing in a brutal war, nor is it existing forever in some perpetual loop of perfection. Yes, it is good for this world to fade with the fair folk.
My friend, my nephew, I wish you the greatest happiness in your marriage. I shall visit.
~ Hûlchanar son of Duinendaer