The Bus
She caught the bus to the train station. She had a desire. The desire she was fighting while on the bus.
Destination: Train station.
Objective: Suicide.
It’s happened before, her friend died only last week. Life support switched off. She hung herself.
She was on the bus. Myself and a lady from England, a precious lady were both talking to her. So concerned. Myself in a different State, this other lady in a different country, both trying to stop death.
She arrived at the train station. She showed evidence of her being there through a photo. This is what many people, families and individuals deal with.
This is what myself and a lady from England dealt with a few nights ago. This is many people’s reality, while many of us snuggle up in our comfortable homes.
Torment. Fighting the urge to die. Fighting the will to live. Dealing with an illness that robs her from living.
This time our encouragement, listening ears, pleading and highlighting how precious and valuable she is caused her to catch another bus. A bus back home.
This time.
I could rest. I could sleep.
This time.
Please take a good look and listen to people. You just don’t know until you know.