Challenge of the Week LXXXVII
Descriptive Writing. One of the four foundational elements of the written word. You can write about anything you want, poetry or Prose; but make sure to focus on your descriptions. Whether you're describing a character, a setting, or an emotion, we want the imagery to leap out of the page. But tread lightly - there is such a thing as too much description. We're looking for that perfect balance. Imagery that sings, but doesn't scream.
Squeak. The sound originates at the very back of my throat, on the left side. Too far left. Squeak. Again. Right side. Not far enough. Squeak. Squeak. I've overdone it now - too much noise at the back and I'm still not balanced. I must maintain balance, symmetry, order. Perfection. A throbbing pain erupts in my throat as I rub it raw with my noise. Squeak. When everything feels okay again, then I can stop. I'm so close. So close to perfection. Squeak.