- Well... I'm... I'm gay.
- hum...
- I know I shouldn't have said anything, forget it.
- hum...
- Stop doing that! Say something or leave!
- Sorry. I was just evaluating the potential impacts, of this new piece of information on our relationship.
- Well!?
- I can't see any. If you were prettier, I would say less competition for me in the dating department, but you already saw your face in a mirror so you know you never really were.
- You're stupid! Remind me why am I friend with you again?
- Easy, we just established I'm tolerant. I'm also nice, funny, smart, beautiful and most of all modest. Can we go eat now or do we have to shed tears of joy and hug first?
- Shut up and lead the way. At least with your mouth full, you can't talk.
- Challenge accepted
- (sigh)