I can’t handle the rejection
It shows an ugly reflection.
Is this who I am?
I’m doing all I can.
Deep inside, I don’t give a damn
While still trying to give my “helping” hand.
Here I am, trying to rhyme
Just trying to buy more time.
Still trying to remain so kind.
Who’s life I’m trying so hard to save, is mine.
I still am never good
I know I should see it, I wish I could.
Still I hide, under something like a black hood.
Under this black hood, just like I usually would.
I run and hide like a filthy rat
Then everyone wants to know where I’m at?
I come out, and it’s like I’m beat with a bat.
I let everyone walk all over me like a dirty floor mat.
I’m tired and I don’t want to be scared.
I just want to find someone who’s feelings I share.
They say I’m obsessive, annoying, and not fair.
So why can’t I do that thing my brain calls a “dare?”