PROMPT:Write a story for children. Start with “Once upon a time” or “Long ago in a land far away.” Include a dragon, a deadly flower, and a
Once apon a time, there was a knight. This knight was famous for two things. The first was slaying the mighty dragon of the south. The second, was taking the dragon’s horn, and creating a mask. But both those tasks were completed fourty years ago. The knight was no longer a knight now. He was a king, looking after four thousand people in a massive village. His daughter was only nine. She still spent hours in the meadows, picking flowers, and chasing rabbits. The village was a perfect place. The villagers were happy - and so was the king. That was, until one day. There were reports of giant fires in the woods. The king knew exactly what was going on. Dragons don’t stay dead. They rise up roughly thirty five years later. Undoubtedly, this dragon had been plotting his revenge.
The king ordered all the villagers to stay indoors, and to n dauot leave until further noticed. Exactly three hours later, the king heard a knock on the door followed with heavy breathing, and the smell burnt hair. It was the dragon. Grabbing his sword, he charges for the door. Outside, the dragon was gently sitting down, with a flowerpot next to him on the ground. A peace offering. There was no argument, no fighting - not even an insult. Only a greeting. The king was suspicious, but he accepted the gift anyway. Only later did the king realize, that dragon had three horns. The king had only broken one horn in his youth. And back then the dragon only did have one horn. It confused the king, but he though nothing of it.
It wasn’t until the next day that the king noticed something wrong with the dragon’s peace offering. When he woke, the king noticed a thick green fog the flower had been emitting. Poison - and judging by the kings light-headedness and urge to puke out his intestines, he figured if was deadly. But if the fog was this bad in the hallway, how much was in his daughter, the princess’s room - the actual location of the flower? The king risked going into the princess’s room. Inside the room, you could barely see a thing. Thick, green fog covered the entire room. The king rushs out, carrying his unconscious daughter with him. But apon evacuating the palace, he realized that she is dead. The flower was deadly.
Struck with grief, the king sought out the dragon. He found the dragon in a cave, sleeping peacfully. The smell of smoke and ashes filled the air.
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