I’m new here.
I just made an account as a result of searching for online writing contests for me to enter. Amidst the whirring of the gears in my mind, I realized that it had honestly been quite a while since I had really written anything. I have a particular story idea that I've been developing; I have characters, a story outline, and I've played numerous dress up games in order to give myself a visual picture of what my characters look like (my favorite part of creating any story really). I have started numerous fanfictions over the years (ranging from Harry Potter, to The Avengers, and Firefly), but never really finished any of them. A few years ago I started writing my first book, and I had writing more than ten chapters when a couple of things happened in my life that really influenced my writing. The story I had been working on, I had (subconciously) embedded my (now) ex-boyfriend into the main love interest. I've kept many of the same elements (time period, namely) in the story I am working on now, but I feel as though I've really hit a wall, creatively, and I'm hoping that joining a writing community such as this will help me improve, develope, and polish my writing skills.
Thank you so much for reading my post! I appreciate any comments you might have about helping my creative juices start flowing again.