What my rebellion looks like
Recently my family and I have gotten into a fight over what my life looks like now. I have a boyfriend whom I love, and I know (as does he) that we will eventually get married. We do have sexual relations, and my parents (and older sister) don't believe in pre-marital sex. And neither did I, but I know that I will be spending the rest of my life with this amazing man. My family (namely my mother) is now becoming very hostile towards him; she doesn't want me to spend as much time with him and thinks that he should see other people, and maybe he should, but that's for him to decide. He took some pychology classes in college and he has noticed (in his personal life and in his friends' lives) that if one side of a relationship (their family) is less accepting and open, then the person will naturally gravitate towards the other person's family. And I find this to be true, because the other night I was so scared of what my family thought of me, that they might yell at me even. But my boyfriend is so wonderful at allaying my fears and comforting me.
Rebellion can have many different faces; I believe that a person's family and their beliefs can definitely constitute what a rebellion in that person would look like specifically.