Tommy yawned. He really hated his late shifts guarding in the cemetery. His boss had told him to walk around the graveyard, and make sure that all was in order. He marched about his post, then later decided to take a quick nap.
A little farther away from his resting position, the ground near one of the graves began to crack. A hand emerged from the grave. The creature moaned. It looked around and saw someone fast asleep.
Tommy stretched his hands and bumped into something. He opened his eyes & stared at the thing. It stared back at him and then snarled. Tommy fell backwards and landed on his derrière. The creature crouched down and crawled toward Tommy.
It placed its hands on Tommy’s shoulders and pinned him down. Tommy cried out. The thing sank its teeth into Tommy’s neck. In a short moment, it later used its hands to pull Tommy’s head apart. And feasted on his brain.