In loving memory of....
There are some people, who aren’t people at all. They are souls. Nameless, worthless, indistinguishable souls which change the world whilst slowly drinking it in.
They are often sidelined, considered inhuman. That’s true, they are not humans,but in a completely different sense.They are the handmade souls that may never be extravagant on face value. They may never achieve human success. But ,they were born when clouds exploded, mountains crumbled and even nature grinned as it looked down upon it’s creation.
They are the ones who touch hearts, not hands. They are the ones who are so perfectly wrapped and snuggled up in innocence, that the filth of this world cannot even touch them. They are the ones who don’t deserve what they suffer from.
Barring their innate talent, people shun them ,critisize them ,reprimand them, hate them. People exclude them just because they are not as filthy as they are.
Freak. Demented. Weirdo.
Who cares if their hands hold palletes, not knives? Who cares if they clothing is smeared with paint? Who cares if their orange hair smells of turpentine?Who cares if their porcelain blue eyes don't hold the solutions to all problems?
Exactly. Who cares?
These are the works of art we fail to appreciate amongst blank canvases and twisted tyranny. Broken and crushed, but their shattered glinting selves illuminate the world ,even as in their graves, the dark devours them.
They were the wick waiting to be lighted.
But, the flicker of flame,
just never came.
P.S.- Try to guess who this passage is about...BTW ,I like to read this on starry nights ;)