Let Me Go
I know it’s wrong to miss you.
I know it’s stupid.
I know I should just move on.
I need to stop thinking about you.
I need to stop going back to you.
I need to stop needing you.
I’m not going to lie to you.
I never have.
I never will.
That’s not who I am,
But maybe it’s who you are.
I cried the day you left.
I sat in my room
All alone
Ignoring texts
From all the people
Who really care about me.
And all for what?
For you?
Why did I ever do anything for you?
Why did I care?
Why couldn’t I just forget?
It’s been so long.
I still can’t forget.
I need you to get out of my head.
“I can’t do this anymore,” you said.
“I just need to stop,” you said.
You lied to me so much.
Can you blame me
For believing this wasn’t true either?
Can you blame me for hoping?
Maybe that’s why I can’t forget.
Maybe it’s because I keep waiting
For your name to come up on my phone.
I need you out of my head.
I need you out of my life.
But how can you get rid of something
That’s already gone?
I need to stop wondering if you’re thinking of me.
I need to stop thinking you’re different.
I need to stop putting you first.
I need to stop.