there’s only the sound ahead of me
the weight of others on the cables
I imagine I’m a bird.
A baby bird that had just learned to tottle on its legs,
Its eyes taking in the world around it.
I’m a red bird.
Red like the sun and the dawn and the leaves.
my heart is pounding
because i’m on the edge of the platform
and i’m about to fall
I’m going to fly
because I’m about to open my wings
My heart is pounding.
and i’ll touch the ground
and I’ll get back up again
there’s people ahead, and they don’t know
they don’t know that i’m stuck on the edge of this platform
about to plunge down into the leaves
I can do this
i can’t do this
i’ve never been brave
never been the one to take that unbelievable jump
But I can be
I can see the looks of pride
i can back away now
i can step away from the touch of air beneath my feet
But what was the point then?
You climbed all the way to the top
Only to be a coward and to climb
Down to the safety of gravity
this is how you’ve always been
afraid of danger, of the unknown happening
But there’s no point of living without fear
Without adventure
Prove the world wrong
I take a step
That unbelievable step
And I jump