Problem or Alert Signal?
Well, this should be an easy topic shouldn't it (laughing at myself)... But truly, of course being presented with problems in your own life or in the lives of others is extremely important. In fact, I can be personally prone to creating/fostering the growth of problems in order to get out of stagnant states at times. Of course I'm not advocating wrecking a car on purpose, amongst a multitute of other things one should not do, but I think everyone purposefully allows problems into their realm in life in order to seek growth and development (for one should ALWAYS be growing and developing).
I guess an easy way to simply look at the topic of generalized problems would be to think of the function of pain. Why does pain exist? To let you know that there is a problem, and in essence to attempt to address that problem. Of course there are issues sometimes where this system goes off script and false pain signals are sent (a problem within itself), but most often they can be trusted for what they are. Your head starts pounding, and you realize you haven't had proper fluid intake for the day. You, hopefully, have access to water and hydrate. Your back begins to ache as you are sitting at your desk, and perhaps you realize that you have been slumped over in thought of task, instead of sitting with proper alignment. Or perhaps you are having issues with digestion and skin, and you must start the sometimes daunting task of trying to figure out what is attributing to these disruptions. Ignoring these problems almost always makes them worse. Just as in life.
Sadly, it is common for humans to avoid pain, or at least it is common to try harder to mask pain than to find the root of why it exists. I would point to the extreme overuse of pain medication as an easy example. Doctors are so heavily prescribing pain medications to people who truly don't need them, instead of finding the root of the cause. Now, this is sometimes due to the fault of the patient of course, because it can be easy to fall into a victim mentality of wanting the easy fix (and sometimes the associated high) of just taking pills. Many times, pain relief can come from homeopathic solutions, physical therapies, dedication to exercise and diet, and other general life-style changes. I am not preaching. I myself have conditions that are not correctable, in which the doctors once had me on 19 pills a day to combat. Including 6 pain pills a day. I am on zero medications now, choosing to find my own solutions--and ultimately saving my physical and mental health. I addressed my problems myself. I had fallen into their trap... Easy access and avoidance.
So, without rambling about pain for pages and how it correlates so closely in so many ways with this subject of problems, I will just say this. What is causing spiritual, emotional or physical pain in your life? After identifying even one thing, then sit and think if there is anything you can do to change that. The easiest thing to do after identifying a problem, is to think. Think very hard about the root of the problem. Sometimes this can take trial and error, but often one knows what the cause is. Talking to others can help you, as others often know before you do. People see you, even if you think they cannot. And sounboarding can often be very important. You must then set a goal to act. Even a tiny goal. Like watering a growing plant, it is amazing to see how fast solutions and growth can sometimes occur with just small steps like this. It is the problem of avoidance or fear that can often lead to the destruction of one's physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
I know this solution sounds simplistic. But without taking small steps every day to address the array of problems one is faced with, one cannot grow and develop. If there truly is no solution with a problem, it sounds like one needs to address their problem of learning how to find peace within acceptance. Acceptance when it is truly what needs to happen brings peace. Acceptance when there is an attainable solution in your grasp screams of defeat or apathy or depression. Once you identify which path you're following, it is up to you to put your foot forward and take a step. Noone can take that step for you, but many will often be near you to help as you do. Good look problem solvers! I have faith in you :).