Go ahead, break me. (Pt. 1)
Go ahead, break me down..
One limb at a time.
Piece by piece.
Don't cry, I'll be fine.
I'm more concerned about you
That look in your eye..
I see all you've been through.
You've been exposed to things,
things you weren't meant to.
You've carried loads of things,
things not meant for you.
Yeah me too..
So, what to do?
Just throw in the towel and be threw? Ignore the fact,
that you've been..
born again, and made new.
There's truth in you.
From the one who knew you.
And He sees right through you.
The true you.. Is He.
That part of him that's in me Imago Dei, That's how I'm seen, and you too.
The new you.
Old friends,
will meet you again and ask who are you?
- Enigma
[Subscribe to the Enigma YouTube channel, link is in my bio!]